Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Notion Ink ADAM Tablet

As the global tech media waits for Notion Ink to unveil the Adam at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, we decided to hop across to Hyderabad and catch them before they caught the flight to MWC! It's finally time to put an end to all the 'spec speculation' around the Adam. We still don't know what the Adam's price will be, though we have been told that it will be competitively priced. We also have some exclusive pics of the Adam, from our shoot yesterday at the BVRIT Innovation Center in Hyderabad. The pictures show the final dimensions of the Adam, which has changed since the prototype was first shown at CES.

Adam currently runs on Android 2.1, and two versions are planned, one with the PixelQI screen, and one with a normal LCD backlit display. We also know that the Indian version of the Adam will not be 3G enabled as the infrastructure is practically non existent - "We won’t be using a 3G module in a region that is so sensitive to price.” For more insights on Adam, read this entry. Update: At MWC, the Notion Ink founders said that they will be aiming for a Q3 2010 launch, so we're looking at market availability only after the month of August.

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